Near a natural waterfall, halfway between Atlanta, GA and Charlotte, NC sits a little yellow house , that in the spirit of Vincent Van Gogh's "Studio of the South" dream, serves as home and studio to Artists, where art is created, stories are told, gardens are grown , dogs sleep, berries are picked, soup is made, coffee is sipped, dreams are dreamt, and everyone is welcome.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Sunday, February 7, 2010


Deb Massa - Saint & Sinner
Solo Exhibition

Show Dates: September 3 - 25, 2010
Reception with the Artist: Friday, September 3, 6-9 pm

Village Studios and Gallery
1278 Pendleton Street,
Greenville SC 29611

Pendleton Street Arts District

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Give and Take

Two 10"x10" canvas on wood panels
salvaged objects, liquid metals, acrylics

This peice was created for and exhibited in:

The Exile of Profundity & Brilliance

Exhibiting: 2.29.2008 – 3.28.2008

WestEnd Darkroom Gallery

640 South Main Street

Greenville, SC 29601

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Face du Jour 2

When visitors wander the studio they tend to be drawn to my paintings of large faces. When creating these works I lay down fresh marks into just made marks, creating marbled blends of color. Often I add words, either obviously or subliminally. I'd like to think these features are what draw attention but-The head alone has an iconic almost postage stamp or money-like authority that commands attention.

::Deb Massa::

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Good Riddance Valentine

Winds of the north, south, east and west,
Carry my affections to where they'll be best.
Let her heart be open and free
And carry them away from me.